About the National Rural Education Policy Agenda

Over 100 rural education activists from all across the country have helped draft five position papers on national rural education policy. You can have a hand in drafting them, too.

The process of developing a National Rural Education Policy Agenda from the grassroots up was launched at the 2008 Rural Education Working Group Conference in Tuskegee, Alabama. Five committees were commissioned to draft reports.

Click the titles of the posts below to read each draft report. To add a comment, scroll down this page to the Comments section (rather than on the report itself) and add your voice to the discussion.

The committees will review comments and consider changes before finalizing their report. If you want to join the committee, just say so in your comment.

The reports will be presented and debated at the 2009 REWG meeting April 19-21 at Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, North Carolina.

Get started now! Rural America needs your ideas, too.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Environmental Policy

Rural people are usually far removed from the people who have the power to put into place laws that can and sometimes do impact their lives every day. As a result, sparsely populated areas often are more negatively impacted by environmental decisions, ignored and easily accepted as collateral damage.

Rural people need to be educated and organized against the tendency to believe they don’t have a voice or that their voice doesn’t matter. The few people in rural areas who are tapped into the power structure in order to exploit the natural resources to their advantage cannot be allowed to continue negatively impacting the environment for everyone else.

Read draft of Environmental Policy Committee.


  1. Environmental awareness is a part of heritage awareness, which is necessary for a healthy community.

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